The Personal Domains
Areas of application can include:
Career issues
Money blocks
Relationship challenges
Performance issues
Imposter Syndrome
Eating Disorders
Sexual Problems

Pain can change you, but it doesn’t mean it has to be a bad change.
Take that pain and turn it into wisdom.
Dalai Lama
There are few people in the world who’ve not been touched by the trials and tribulations of bad experiences, limiting beliefs, suffering and adversity. But life’s journey doesn’t have to stay a jaded one. Accessing subconscious programming is key to unlocking a huge part of our potential. It’s the key to creating a better game plan for our lives and our well-being, in multiple, beneficial ways.
90% of our behaviors are activated from the sub-conscious. This can be both beneficial or counter-productive, depending on the memories, beliefs and behaviors we have stored here. We tend to re-use this imprinting, often formed in childhood, by default. It’s why habits are hard to break, and at least 80% of people fail to keep New Year’s resolutions. Why people who’ve suffered trauma can be triggered in undefined ways. Why only some people are highly successful in all areas of their life. Why spiralling into negative ways we’re not fully aware of can make us repeat unproductive behaviors that don’t serve our highest interests.
Don’t be jaded on the journey. Find release and joy. My clients are time-starved and come to me wanting a better future. They are invariably seeking freedom from pain in some form and/or looking for positive changes. They are looking for rapid results, and lasting change. With RTT® or Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) that’s absolutely possible.
Emotional Freedom Technique or “EFT” is a powerful self-help method based on research showing that emotional trauma compromises both physical and emotional health. EFT has a whole set of tools that bypass the level of conscious awareness to change brain pathways and body sensations that come from the past.Over 100 scientific papers about EFT have appeared in peer-reviewed medical and psychology journals. These include dozens of randomized controlled trials, outcome studies, and review articles by investigators from Harvard Medical School, Purdue University, Stanford University, University of Arizona, and many other top institutions.
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®) is a multi-award winning hybrid therapy. It combines the most beneficial aspects of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, psychology and Cognitive Behavioural Therapies. It also uses linguistic tools to reach and positively recode the subconscious mind for incredible results. RTT® is now recognized as an incredibly effective method in healing a huge variety of presenting mental, physical and psychological issues. “More than 5,000 research studies underscore the benefits of hypnosis” - Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD.
I work closely with doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists, as well as hypnotherapists, and am an Associate of The Royal Society of Medicine in the UK, and the International Association of Counselors and Therapists in the United States.